How do you obtain a Mexican Visa for your “Green Card?”


There is a lot of confusion regarding the process to obtain a Visa so that you ultimately can apply for a Green Card, and rightfully so!   While not a difficult process, each consulate has its own interpretations for the requirements.

First, it is not possible to obtain a Visa in Mexico.   Second, and again depending upon the consulate, it is not necessary to apply for a Visa in the country that your passport was issued.   Technically, any Mexican consulate can issue a Visa.   However, not all US consulates will process a Canadian passport, and vice versa.  So, now that it has become even more confusing, I believe the following will help.


  1. Contact the consulate that is most convenient to go to and ask what financial paperwork they require. Some will ask for 12 months worth of financial statements, some 6.   Their main goal is to vet your financial history and be sure that you will not negatively impact their economy.


  1. What are the requirements to obtain a Visa? There are a number of options available here.   If you have a job offer from a licensed Mexican business that has a employer ID registration number within the Mexican Immigration Service, are marrying a Mexican national, approved humanitarian reasons, or you are a retiree or pensioner that meets the minimum financial requirements.

Financial requirements:  For a Permanent Green Card, retirees or pensioners that meet or exceed $4,549  US per month, or have bank account minimum balance averaging or assets averaging  $181,968 per month (some embassies require 6 months of statements as proof, others 12). Permanent residency is also granted to anyone owning property in Mexico valued at $4.9 million pesos or more.   The procedures listed above still must be followed.

Temporary Green Card applicants are required to have a net monthly income of $2,730 monthly or assets averaging $45,492 for the same time period as above. Click here to view complete current financial requirements


  1. How long does the process take? In many cases, the entire application can be completed in one day. However, it may take up to 10 days.

Once the Visa has been obtained, you have 180 days to return to Mexico to initiate the process for your Green Card.   The application must begin within 30 days of your arrival.   To find out what’s involved to obtain a Permanent or Temporary residency card, please go online to:


Please feel free to contact us with any questions!

Kim Bitz

President, Greengo4gringo

Kim is the President of Greengo4gringo ( which is a brick and mortar business that was established to help people obtain their Temporal or Permanente cards, marriage certificates, work papers, and business licenses.